Top director Koratala Siva, who had been busy canning Megastar Chiranjeevi's Acharya until some days ago, isn't sitting idle in lockdown holidays. He has taken up an important task and is making sure it is accomplished before the end of lockdown period.
It's heard Koratala has started penning script for his next project. He wishes the full bounded script is readied by the end of lockdown period. If at all his goal is achieved, he can save lot of time and energy. Also, his strategy is to kickstart his new project within three months after the release of Acharya.
Koratala's previous offing Bharat Ane Nenu was released two years ago. But then, there will be a short gap between the releases of Acharya and the next project. Young Tiger NTR is supposed to team up Koratala. If not, Koratala prefers another top hero for the project.
Meanwhile Acharya is in a midway of its shoot. The film is expected to hit screens for Sankranthi, 2021.