Top musician Thaman is a die hard fan of Power Star Pawan Kalyan. And he presented an ultimate gift for the Janasena chief. It is a known fact that Pawan Kalyan launched an awe-inspiring programme titled 'Mana Nudi Mana Nadi' which is intended to create awareness and enlightenment on our mother tongue and our rivers.
The lyrics, penned by Rama Jogaiah Sastry, are truly motivating Every word and phrase are mere dedication to our language and custom. The lines start with "Janajanajana sainikulaaraa...tharali randi randi pallenundi...patnam nundee...tharali nadini..mana nudinee kaapadagarandee'. And the song wholly delivers the message, "Nadi mana jeevam...nudi mana jeevanam."
Lately, Pawan Kalyan launched a website ' in which several thousands of Jana sainiks registered their names in support of the programme initiated by Janasena president.
Thaman's song will surely evoke the senses of more number of people to ensure the programme a tremendous success.