Janasena chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan is furious over the bias of state election commission and the police on YSRCP. It is a known news that the EC announced the postponement of local body polls to six weeks citing that it's an action initiated to obturate the spread of Coronavirus.
However, the EC didn't cancel the nominations which were filed through unjustifiable means. Pawan Kalyan pointed out the state's EC and the police are working to cater the needs of the ruling party. He said the ruling party has an edge to win maximum number of seats and the strength of 151 MLAs would surely become an advantage.
"Even then, YSRCP is scared of victory and is indulging in rowdyism everywhere. They killed democracy during the process of filing and withdrawal of nominations. Nominations were withdrawn under police security upto 10 pm crossing the scheduled 3 pm. Police acted as YCP workers. Janasena will approach union home ministry and CEC. We won't stay calm when rowdyism gets prevailed everywhere. We'll revolt against it," said Pawan Kalyan in a press meet.