Veteran actor Mohan Babu plays a crucial role in Kollywood star Suriya’s upcoming film Aakasam Nee Haddura which is based on the life of Captain GR Gopinath, founder of the budget airline, Air Deccan. Mohan Babu’s first look poster has been unveiled today.
Mohan Babu who usually wears wigs for his films is seen in his original getup here. He looks intense and stubborn as Suriya’s mentor Bhaktavatsalam Naidu. It is known that, Bhaktavatsalam Naidu is original name of Mohan Babu who will be seen as a Telugu high ranking official in the air force. Mohan Babu also dubbed for his role in Tamil version.
Mohan Babu’s scenes are said to be one of the major attractions of the film directed by Sudha Kongara of Guru fame. The film’s teaser and first single got good response. The makers are opting for unique promotions for the film gearing up for release on April 9th.