Akshara who made an impressive debut in Telugu with the super hit Anandam later did nearly 10 films, but most of them stood as flops to disasters. Now, the actress is hoping to make her comeback in Tollywood with character artist roles. She’s presently staying in Mumbai shooting for TV commercials.
Akshara aka Rekha during a TV show made an interesting statement. As is known she played a cameo in Nagarjuna’s blockbuster Manmadhudu. In fact, she did the film only for Nagarjuna who then promised her a role in his future project.
“I did the guest appearance in Manmadhudu only for Nagarjuna sir. He then promised an offer in his next film. However, he did not keep his promise. Hope, he calls me soon,” said she casually.
Akshara was last seen in a small role in Genius.