Superstar Rajinikanth's Darbar, that was released for Sankranthi, 2020, turned a huge disaster at the box office. This Rajini and AR Murugadoss' mass entertainer was anticipated to score a record breaking hit. Contrary to those expectations, the film incurred heavy losses with the lackluster response received from the audience. In the wake of the film's failure at the box office, some buyers went to Rajini's home the other day seeking compensation. However, the superstar refused to meet them.
Long back, Rajini compensated the losses of Baba to buyers. Thereafter, never ever Rajini compensated the losses of his films to buyers.
Wonder what buyers didn't force the film's producers Lyca Production to get their losses compensated. Since the production house made it clear that they incurred Rs.60 crore losses, buyers thought that Rajini would alone bail them out of the situation.
Rajini currently teams up director Siva for a commercial entertainer.