Power Star Pawan Kalyan and passionate director Krish's new film had got a formal puja ceremony done on Wednesday. As we reported earlier, the film's regular shoot will get kickstarted on February 4. The first schedule's shoot will be done without Power Star's presence.
In the meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan wraps up his comeback film 'Lawyer Saab' (tentative) directed by Sriram Venu. Pawan Kalyan will join Krish film only after he completes his portion in PInk's remake.
According to film nagar's buzz, it's learnt that Pawan Kalyan and Krish's combo film will hit screens for January 14, 2021 as a Sankranthi gift for the audience. It's indeed, the best season to reap maximum money at the ticket windows. However, an official announcement is awaited from the horse's mouth.
Pragya Jaiswal is likely to be seen opposite to Pawan Kalyan while Keeravani will score music. AM Ratnam is producing the film.