Stylish Star Allu Arjun's Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo is running with rock steady collections at the US Box office. The film accumulated a gross $56,785 on Friday and took the collections tally to to $3,234,396. Right now, the film stands at the 5th position among top 5 grossers of Tollywood at the US box office. The film is hoped to beat Rangasthalam total gross at the end of its full run and to occupy 3rd slot among the top grossing Telugu films of the US. Following is the top 5 grossing films list.(As on 25 January, 2020)
1 Baahubali 2 - $20,571,695.00 (All Languages)
2 Baahubali - $6,999,312.00
3 Rangasthalam - $3,513,450.00
4 Bharat Ane Nenu - $3,416,451.00
5 Ala Vaikunthapuramuloo - $3,234,396