Mega Prince Varun Tej suddenly flew to Mumbai in the early hours on Sunday taking everyone by surprise. Later all mega fans got super excited when they came to know that he will be training under Neeraj Goyat, the first Indian boxer to have made it to WBC world rankings.
It is known that Varun Tej is starring in the direction of new comer Kiran Korrapati and he is playing the role of a boxer in the sports based entertainer. Varun Tej already underwent intense training under Olympic boxing gold medalist Tony Jeffries in US few months back.
Varun doesn't want to lose the momentum and so he decided to start training under Neeraj Goyat. Varun Tej according to the sources will be getting intense training on various nuances of boxing, apart from a few physical exercises.
Larnell Stovall, Hollywood stunt choreographer will be composing action sequences for the film. Director is fine-tuning the script and film will be going to sets soon.