Superstar Mahesh Babu's Sarileru Neekevvaru directed by Anil Ravipudi which released amidst huge expectations opened up to mixed talk. People felt that the film's story need not be given blockbuster ratings. It all depends on how the film cash into the festive season. It faces stiff competition from Allu Arjun's Ala Vaikundhapurramloo which got unanimous positive talk.
In the midst of all this, critics trained their guns on director Anil Ravipudi. Questions are cropping up on story and genre of the film? He starts off the film on a serious note with a high voltage action scenes in Kashmir and at once started the hilarious scenes. So much to his penchant for comedy, that he changed even Kashmir backdrop scenes also in a hilarious manner.
When one expected the film to have a jovial ride, after the train episode, the narration takes a serious turn. For more than an hour, heroine is not seen on screen. The failure of the train episode to create a laughing riot is becoming the biggest drawback for Sarileru Neekevvaru. People are reminded of the lengthy train episodes long time back in Venky and then Venkatadri Express.
Anil Ravipudi penned comedy scenes involving heroine, her mother, sisters and father on the train. The entire track looked similar to his last film F2. The women characters dictate terms to their husbands and these are similar to the characters in F2. The heroine in Sarileru is dumb similar to the heroine in F2.
When one pens a story for a film, they write two to three versions. Seems Anil Ravipudi penned these scenes for F2 and critics feel he used those remaining scenes in F2 for Sarileru Neekevvaru.