Kalyan Ram's Entha Manchivaadavuraa might have been carrying low key buzz comparing with Sankranthi's biggies Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo, Sarileru Neekevvaru and Darbar. Yet again, the film stands greater than all these films on one parameter.
EMV got its censor formalities cleared and received clean 'U' certificate from the board's officials. The film can be watched by all sections of people now. Certainly, it's a huge boost for the film's team. Interestingly, all other Sankranthi films mentioned above received U/A certificates.
EMV was directed by Satish Vegesna under Aditya Music. Mehreen Prizada played main heroine. This family entertainer's music was composed by Gopi Sundar. Meanwhile, Young Tiger NTR will be gracing the pre release event as a chief guest. January 15 is the scheduled date of film's release.