Shraddha Das who entered Tollywood with Siddhu From Srikakulam though starred in many Telugu films like Prabhas' Darling, Balakrishna's Dictator, etc, she failed to reach the next level of stardom. She starred in PSV Garuda Vega and was last seen in Karthikeya's Hippi.
Now inside talk is Shradda Das who is heating the social media with her bikini snaps from her vacations in beaches around the world, is turning a prostitute for an industrialist.
Choreographer turned director is directing the project which features Jagapathi Babu as the owner of a condoms company. Jagapathi Babu hires prostitutes to endorse his products and he falls in love with Shraddha who happens to endorse his company's condoms.
Buzz is Shraddha Das will appear in the flashback episodes and her role is a game-changer to the story. Shraddha though plays the role of a prostitute, will be seen donning Indian attire and as an emotional girl.