Veteran hero Rajasekhar utterly disappointed the guests like Megastar Chiranjeevi, Rebel Star Krishnam Raju, Collection King Mohan Babu, Murali Mohan and others who graced MAA diary launch event.
Rajasekhar looked too emotional and tried to speak about the internal rifts among MAA members. In spite of , Chiranjeevi's appeals not to divulge the internal issues, Rajasekhar went ahead to showcase his argument. Later, he left the dais abruptly.
Humiliated by Rajasekhar's strange attitude, Chiranjeevi suggested a disciplinary committee's action on Rajasekhar. However, within a couple of hours, Rajasekhar released a press note of his resignation to MAA vice president post.
And the update is that Rajasekhar tendered his apology to Chiranjeevi and Mohan Babu for his rude behaviour. "Whatever happened today is only between Naresh, Maa and me. Things aren't right here and I cannot stand aside quietly and watch. There is no misunderstanding or fight between Chiranjeevi Garu, Mohan Babu Garu and Me. I apologise for any inconveniance caused to our guests!," Rajasekhar tweeted.