Happening young hero Vijay Devarakonda is finally making his Bollywood debut with Fighter under the direction of Puri Jagannadh who will also co-produce the film in association with Charmme Kaur and Bolywood ace filmmaker Karan Johar.
Meanwhile, many are wondering, what exactly Karan Johar is investing on the multi-lingual flick. We came to know that, Karan is investing nothing, but he will release the Hindi version in grand manner and will also take part in the promotions.
Karan Johar who planned to remake Dear Comrade shelved the project after Telugu version bombed at box office. The Bollywood filmmaker, however, wanted to introduce Vijay in Bollywood. When Puri approached him with the idea of making Fighter as Pan Indian film, Karan happily agreed to be part of the project.
Fighter will mostly shot in Mumbai and Puri along with his team is prepping up to start the shoot from January. The makers are planning to wrap up the shoot in quick time and release the film in summer.