Earlier this year, Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's NTR Kathanayakudu and NTR Mahanayakudu were released on 9 January and 22 February respectively. Both the films misfired miserably at the ticket windows. The films were made as biopics of late NTR's cine and political lives.
In the meanwhile, Balakrishna's new film Ruler released on December 20. The film carried out negative reports and very poor ratings from critics. Trade experts are worrying if the film join NTR KN and NTR MN.
But then, this Christmas holiday season is expected to pull a big number of mass audience to theatres. In such case, Balayya can escape a pitiable hat-trick and may score a decent success with Ruler.
Ruler was directed by senior director KS Ravi Kumar under CK Entertainment. Sonal Chouhan and Vedhika have done opposite to Balarkishna. Chirantan Bhatt composed tunes.