Director Ram Gopal Varma has gone to the extremity by creating rifts between people of two castes in AP. He titled his upcoming political drama as Kamma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Reddlu. Ever since the film's title has been confirmed so, there was lot of uproar from the people against the title.
Many bigwigs of industry and other movie lovers appealed Rgv to go for a title change. But then, Rgv appeared to adamant with his decision. Christian evangelist KA Paul, on the other side, filed a case against the film in the high court.
Furthermore, it was alleged that Rgv intentionally tried to assassinate the characters of former CM Chandrababu Naidu and Nara Lokesh with their dupe characters being given wider importance in performances in the film. Ironically, Rgv said this film is dedicated to a father and a son.
The film is supposed to be censored by now but has been delayed with reasons unknown. Meanwhile, Rgv, in a TV channel's interview announced that he changed Kamma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Reddulu title as 'Ammarajyam Lo Kadapa Biddalu'. Hopefully, this title change will lead to all the controversies on the film get disappeared.