Apparently, an unwanted controversy was embroiled with Thaman's latest tweet on Sarileru Neekevvaru's teaser. As is known, Prince Mahesh Babu's Sarileru Neekevvaru teaser was unveiled on November 22. The teaser got a good response among film folks.
Meanwhile, Thaman shared the teaser and lauded film's star cast and crew. However, he didn't mentioned film's music director Devi Sri Prasad's name which made Devi's fans go fury.
"Loved loved this from our very own #supermass #Superstar @urstrulyMahesh gaaru !! @AnilRavipudi darling kummsssss o kummmmss Amma !! @dilraju_svc gaaru Best wishes to the team," Thaman tweeted.
While some observers opined Thaman forgot Devi's name some other onlookers felt Thaman mightn't have impressed to that extent on Devi's BGM. Whatsoever, professional rivalry appears to be high between the musicians duo.