No other body but director Anil Ravipudi is giving leaks of his film Sarileru Neekevvaru with super star Mahesh Babu. Even before starting the project, he revealed few things like Mahesh Babu plays an army major and his scenes with Rashmika Mandanna will be one of the major highlights.
The director drops few spoilers of the film making Mahesh Babu fans go restless. “We’ve got a strong content. The film is about an army officer’s routine in our society. We’ve watched rushes of first half and we’re very contented with it. Vijayashanthi, Prakash Raj and Mahesh Babu- each and every artist gave their best.”
About the much hyped train episode, he said, “You’ve already heard about train episode. It is Mahesh Babu’s show all the way. You will enjoy the train episode thoroughly. After a long gap, Mahesh Babu is playing a role with lots of scope for comedy.”
As announced by the team, teaser of Sarileru Neekevvaru will be released soon.