Anr Awards ceremony was held as star studded event on Sunday night at Annapurna Studios. Megastar Chiranjeevi graced the event as a chief guest while T Subbarami Reddy, Boney Kapoor and crazy hero Vijay Deverakonda attended as other guests. King Nagarjuna and all other members of Anr family turned up the occasion.
Chiranjeevi presented Anr award for 2018 to late Sridevi which was received by her husband Boney Kapoor. Anr award for 2019 was given away to another legendary actress Rekha.
Megastar said he feels like a protege of Anr. "Anr garu was a moving encyclopedia. His advice made me attaining this status. One day or the other, this award stands on par with Dada Saheb Phalke award," Chiranjeevi said.
Nagarjuna said the Anr National Awards were established to remember his father Anr forever.