Natural Star Nani is presently starring in a multi-starrer V The Film under the direction of Indraganti Mohana Krishna. Sharing screen space with him is Sudheer Babu. Actually, Sudheer Babu plays protagonist and Nani will be seen in a role with negative shades. The actor himself revealed that he’s playing a badass in the film.
Now, release date of V The Film has been locked. The film is releasing on March 25th to cash in Telugu New Year and summer holidays. Apparently, makers of the film are delaying the release although maximum part of the film is shot, as they want a holiday season.
In the release date announcement poster, we can see an unidentified man firing two guns. We can also observe William Shakespeare’s quote, “At This Hour Lie At My Mercy All Mine Enemies”.
Nivetha Thomas and Aditi Rao Hydari are the female leads in the film produced by Dil Raju.