Young Rebel Star Prabhas' ongoing film Jaan shoot was abruptly stopped by the film's team. The film is yet to get its shoot resumed. On the other hand, a couple of directors have recently approached Prabhas and narrated their scripts.
It's heard that Prabhas gave nod to top director Koratala Siva. As is known, Koratala Siva made his debut with Prabhas's Mirchi which went on a blockbuster.
Right now, Koratala Siva is working for Megastar Chiranjeevi's crazy project. The film will get its regular shoot kick-started in the month of January. Post this film is wrapped up, Prabhas and Koratala's film will go on sets.
Prabhas's latest offing turned a super hit in Hindi belt but was failed in all other areas. Prabhas is expected to bounce back with Jaan and Koratala's projects.