As and when Ram Gopal Varma announced Kamma Rajyamlo Kadapa Reddlu project, a little bit of discussion among netizens was sensed on that day. But then, netizens forgot the details about the project very next day.
Having failed to impress the movie folks with his film title, RGV released a couple of posters and teaser of the film. Even then there was no good response as expected. Subsequently, RGV went into a state of frustration.
Finally, RGV desperately depended on Janasena Chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan. He decided to indulge in bad criticism and abuse on Pawan Kalyan in a satiric way in the film. As a result, Pawn Kalyan's character is inducted in the latest posters of Kamma Rajyamlo Kadapa Reddlu. RGV's sadistic pleasure can clearly be witnessed in his wicked attempt in defaming Pawan Kalyan's character. And now, RGV's plan worked as Pawan Kalyan's character pic triggered in some sort of discussions in the social media.
"Shamelessly, RGV banked on the image of Pawan Kalyan in the film. He must have expressed his gratitude on Pawan Kalyan at least in closed doors," says a Jana Sainik.
"Janasena leaders should take severe action on RGV for defaming Pawan Kalyan's character. If not, people believe in RGV's venom filled characterr sketch on Pawan Kalyan," advised an observer to Janasena leaders.