Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Young Tiger NTR's multi-starrer film's working title has been confirmed as Rrr long ago. There have been several full forms of the title floated around and went viral on net. Yet, the makers were tight lipped on the film's title.
Here is another interesting buzz on the title. According to a viral gossip, Rrr's full form will be 'Rama Roudra Roushitham'. This title is said to have been confirmed for Telugu version. Also, it appears to be a Sanskrit title and is difficult to be articulated.
Nevertheless, another interesting title for other language versions are said to have been confirmed for the film. The title is, 'Rise, Revolt, Revenge'. It remains to be seen how well these titles will get registered among people.
Rrr is being bankrolled by DVV Danayya under DVV Entertainment. Alia Bhatt plays one of the female leads. July 30, 2020 is the scheduled date of release.