Dil Raju is said to have owned the theatrical rights of Saaho for Rs.56 crores in Nizam and Vizag areas. According to the trade reports, Dil Raju all set to lost Rs.20 crores from the two areas collectively.
While he lost Rs.15+ crores in Nizam, Dil Raju lost Rs.5 crores from Vizag territory. Since Dil Raju has gone panic with the huge losses with Saaho, Young Rebel Star Prabhas is likely to be his saviour.
It's buzzed that Prabhas would give his dates to Dil Raju for a film and Rs.10 crores will be compensated after the commitment. Right now, both Prabhas and Dil Raju are busy with their ongoing projects. Once they complete their assignments, the producer and the hero duo will collaborate for a new film which would primarily be targeting to North Indians.