There is one sentiment which seems to be haunting Prince Mahesh Babu's Sarileru Neekevvaru makers. Hitherto, Mahesh Babu and Mega Power Star Ram Charan had face to face clash for three times. Strangely, Ram Charan stood as the winner for all those three times based on various parameters.
Ram Charan and Mahesh Babu had the first time clash with Naayak and SVSC released for 2013's Sankranthi. Both the films scored super hits. However, popular media agency IANS reported that Naayak collected more share than SVSC with its phenomenal performance in India. Moreover, SVSC was a multi-starrer film and Naayak was a solo hero film then.
Mahesh Babu and Ram Charan had second time clash with Yevadu and 1 Nenokkadine released for 2014's Sankranthi. This time, Yevadu pounded 1 Nenokkadine with a super hit result while 1 Nenokkadine stood as a disaster.
And then, Ram Charan and Mahesh Babu locked horns for the third time with Govindudu Andarivadele and Aagadu in 2014's Dussehra season. While Aagadu, became a huge disaster, GAV turned as an average fare at the ticket windows.
Mahesh Babu will have a face off with another mega hero Stylish Star Allu Arjun for upcoming Sankranthi. Mahesh Babu's Sarileru Neekevvaru and Allu Arjun's Ala Vaikunthapuramulo will have a huge clash for Sankranthi. It remains to be seen whether Allu Arjun repeats the feat of Ram Charan or not.