Young Rebel Star Prabhas's Saaho is in cinemas at the moment. The film collected close to Rs.46 crores in Telugu states at the end of its day two. The film's Nizam collections, however, have become a hot discussion topic among the netzens.
While Prabhas's fans claimed that the film created all time record for two days in Nizam, anti fans turned down their numbers alleging that some bloated collections were added in the collections tally.
"DCR fulls were shown in Sudarshan and Sandhya for 2nd and 3rd day's run. Don't why the makers took too seriously on Nizam collections," expressed a doubt by a cine fan.
"Recently, Prince Mahesh Babu's Maharshi was also shown some bloated numbers to show that the film Rangasthalam's all time record collections. Of course, trade experts and cine lovers took those collection light. Wonder what, Saaho's makers seem to be too keen with the film's Nizam collections, puzzled by a another cine fan.
Meanwhile, Saaho is expected to generate decent collections up to Monday, which falls on the auspicious day of Vinayaka Chavithi. Real test for the film gets started from Tuesday.