Bollywood star actress Vidya Balan made her Tollywood debut by effortlessly slipping into the role of NTR's wife Basavatarakam in Natasimha Balakrishna's prestigious biopic on his dad NTR titled NTR-Mahanayakudu and NTR-Kathanayakudu.
Meanwhile, Vidya Balan made sensational revelations about casting couch. She said though she made her debut in 1990s with TV show Hum Panch, she did not get a break till 2003.
She said during those years she experienced a lot of rejections down south. She said though she had Malayalam films, she was replaced by most of them. She affirmed that when she was thrown out of a Tamil film, her parents got worried and came to her.
She then recollected her nightmarish casting couch experience. She said one day she was in Chennai and the director came to meet her. “The director insisted on having discussions in his hotel room, though I suggested coffee shop. I had no other option and when the director tried to close the door after entering the room, I left the place.”
She revealed that she faced similar situation with a producer whom she taught a fitting lesson and he removed her from the project.