Nandamuri fans for long have been dreaming of seeing Natasimha Balakrishna's son Mokshagna on screen. For quite some time many rumors spread about his cameos in Balakrishna's previous films. However nothing turned out to be true and Balakrishna made clear that Mokshagna will make his entry in a stylish manner with a full length role rather than a cameo. He revealed that Mokshagna is currently undergoing training in acting in a film institute in USA.
Even as fans are becoming restless about Mokshagna's entry, some of his latest snaps are going viral on social media. While Nandamuri fans are worried about Mokshagna’s looks and physique, antis are trolling him.
In the midst of all this, shocking rumors are spreading that Mokshagna gave a shock to his father Balakrishna saying he is not interested in acting or starring in films but interested in excelling as an entrepreneur taking care of business.
Wonder how Balakrishna and fans will react to Mokshagna's decision.