Kajal Agarwal’s latest flick Sita, a heroine centric flick, directed by Teja co-starring Bellamkona Sai Srinivas hit the screens today to mixed response. The ageless diva, however, is promoting the film like never before. What’s more, in order to lure filmmakers, she is coming up with hot photo shoots. Apparently, she sends a message that, she is ready for ultra glamorous roles.
In the above picture from her latest photo shoot, Kajal Agarwal stuns with mind-blowing show. The damsel flaunted her juicy assets, much to the delight of her fans and admirers. She looks incredibly hot in the picture.
Kajal who is presently starring in Sharwanand’s untitled film under Sudheer Varma’s direction will soon start working for Kamal Haasan and Shankar’s Indian 2 (Bharateeyudu 2).