Super Star Mahesh Babu’s highly anticipated film Maharshi is raking in huge money at the box office across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Even in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, the film opened with a lot of fanfare. However, Maharshi is not up to the mark in USA, considering pre-release buzz and massive release.
On Friday, Maharshi minted $231 K, taking its two days total in USA to $923k. The Vamshi Paidipally directorial is sure to reach 1 million dollar mark by tomorrow. But, it is uncertain to predict now, whether the film can reach the breakeven mark of $ 2.5 M.
In Telugu states, Maharshi has collected a share of Rs 32.57 Cr for two days. The film which did extremely well on day one has maintained the momentum on day two. As per trade reports, Maharshi is holding good on third day as well in Telugu states. But, the way it is performing in USA is worrying the overseas buyers.