Super Star Mahesh Babu’s Maharshi is off to great start. After earth-shattering collections on Day one, the film holds well on day two. It raked Rs 32.57 Cr on day two and grabs third spot in top day two grossers list. Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s Rangasthalam collected Rs 9 crores on day 2, whereas Maharshi amassed Rs 8.43 crores. DJ is in second place with 8.82 Cr share on day two. Here is the list of top day 2 shares:
1. Rangasthalam: 9.00 Cr
2. DJ: 8.82 Cr
3. Maharshi: 8.43 Cr
4. Aravinda Sametha: 7.95 Cr
5. Bharat Ane Nenu: 7.38 Cr
6. Katamarayudu: 6.92 Cr
7. Khaidi No 150: 5.68 Cr
8. Sardaar Gabbar Singh: 5.88 Cr
9. Jai Lava Kusa: 5.70 Cr
10. Sarrainodu: 5.28 Cr