Bollywood's hot beauty Alia Bhatt is now the most talked about ever since she landed in high profile projects like Salman Khan-Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Inshallah and Rajamouli's RRR multi starrer with NTR and Ram Charan. Alia is also starring in Brahmastra. She appeared in a special song in Student of the Year 2 and is on a high with hit like Gully Boy.
In the meantime rumours are spreading about her affair with Ranbir Kapoor and that the hot couple will soon get married at the beautiful Lake Como. Rumours spread as both holidayed in Europe amidst their busy schedule.
However, when asked about Alia's marriage, her mother Soni Razadan rubbished all the reports saying, "It is a totally baseless rumour!". Despite this fans are not believing her words as Alia and Ranbir are seen enjoying each other company more than ever before.