Bollywood Bombshell Priyanka Chopra, after going to Hollywood is stunning all with her beauty blast and glamor show at various events. The other day she walked on the Pink Carpet at Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York.
Priyanka Chopra shocked all with her new look in which she experimented with a fizzy hair. She sported a dramatic Dior outfit and her look with white eyebrows, bold hairdo and feathered dress, got mixed reviews on social media.
Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma mocked Priyanka Chopra's looks sharing a fan made poster comparing her hair style to that of Sandalwood smuggler Veerappan's moustache.
Sharing the post, he said, "A truly fitting hair style salute to the most famous moustache ever and i personally salute to whoever this great hair stylist is who can make the great Priyanka’s hair look below veerappan’s moustache ..But I love it for inexplicable reasons which I will explain in a few hours."