Sridevi's daughters Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor are stealing the hearts of all with their hot looks and cute expressions. While Janhvi is busy with crazy projects, Khushi is doing fashion technology course in USA and is set for entry on the silver screen.
In the meantime, Khushi and Janhvi revealed their tattoo secrets. Janhvi said she is not having any tattoos but in future, she will have a tattoo 'property of JK'. Khushi however revealed that she has one on her bum that says, ‘Khud ki raah banao’. Her other two tattoos include the birthdays of her family members in Roman numerals and the name of her best friend. She said her mother did not approve of her love for tattoos.
Khushi said Janhvi even at the age of 12 used a milk feeder bottle. When Janhvi on her relationship status said, “this is a tricky question," Khushi described her as boring saying, "She is boring because she is quite nice, she is single.”