Controversial actress Kangana Ranaut is currently starring in a biopic on former Tamil Nadu CM Jayalalithaa. The biopic is titled Thalaivi in Tamil and Jaya in Hindi and is directed by Vijay of Madrasapattanamand Deiva Thirumagal fame.
Speculations are rife with the reports that Kangana has been asked to undergo physical transformation to gain weight to resemble Jayalalithaa. However her spokesperson rubbishes all the rumors.
He revealed, “The film will begin with Jayalalithaa’s childhood, her journey into films and end with her becoming the chief minister of Tamil Nadu for the first time. So, there’s no need to gain weight; In fact, she will be seen in a glamorous role.”
Kangana recently entertained with her power packed performance in Manikarnika-The Queen of Jhansi and is now busy with her upcoming entertainer Pangaa.