Maverick director Ram Gopal Varma’s Lakshmi's NTR has grabbed the public and political parties’ attention due to controversial content in it. Yesterday, RGV proclaimed that, he would be filing case against CBFC for allegedly stopping the film’s release. However, on the same date, he came up with another statement saying CBFC was doing the necessary action as per the laid down procedure. He also cancelled press meet against CBFC.
As per reports, Lakshmi’s NTR will go for censor certification on 20th of this month. However, the film may not release on scheduled date of 22nd, as TDP is trying best to stop the release by filing numerous cases against the film. If things go well, Lakshmi’s NTR would release on 29th or else it would be postponed to other date.
Meanwhile, reports are coming out that, RGV is offered a fancy amount to shelve the project. If he accepts the offer, then the film may not hit the screens forever. In case if RGV wants to go ahead with the release, he needs to release the film before the polls day, as to cash on controversy surrounding the film. Needless to say that, releasing the film after the polls will be a grave thought.