Advent of internet and webmedia increased its popularity and it is now on par and at times even more than that of print media. Filmmakers prefer to promote more on web media due to its instant reach. However with no proper source about contact information about the owners of the websites, they are depending on few PROs and journalists who boast of having contacts with them.
Inside talk is PROs are taking undue advantage of the filmmakers and they are demanding advertisements for the websites before the release of the films. Everything will be fine if the PR team and the filmmakers agree to pay as per their demands.
However the moment, the ads and payments are denied, PROs indulge in negative publicity about the films on the websites. With groupism prevalent among the PROs, many rumours and negative news appear on these websites before and after the release affecting the performance.
Recently a journalist who works for top TV channel who was unhappy with the advertisements he got, spread negative talk about the film even before its US premiers were completed. Even though the TV channel is aware of his acts, they did not discourage much to the shock of all.