Natasimha Balakrishna got a huge shock when the prestigious project, NTR biopic released in two parts Kathanayakudu and Mahanayakudu bombed at the box office. He is shell shocked when his dreams of paying floral tributes to his dad, former CM of AP and legendary actor NTR came crashing down in a disastrous fashion.
Meanwhile, Balakrishna is experiencing retirement pressures. Many are asking him to retire and concentrate in active politics by introducing his son Mokshagna on silver screen. Flops are nothing new for Balakrishna as he tasted seven flops before scoring a blockbuster with Simhaa. Ahead of Simhaa, he got disasters like Maharathi, Okka Magadu, Pandurangadu etc.
After Simhaa, he once again got disasters. However he covered himself saying he is doing everything for his fans and then scored a hit with Legend. However after the shock of Kathanayakudu and Mahanayakudu he did not get chance to cover himself hiding behind his fans as even his fans rejected the film.
Fans are asking Balakrishna to retire and if not he should take a break for two years just like how Mega Star Chiranjeevi did before Hitler. They feel this is the correct time as he can tell that he is busy with elections and campaigning. However Balakrishna is not keen and already lined up his next with Boyapati Srinu. The question is will Natasimha overcome retirement pressures.