Kalyan Ram's upcoming crime thriller 118 trailer has got an impressive response from viewers which made the makers elated. Above all, top producer and buyer Dil Raju, himself, is distributing the film in Nizam and Andhra areas. Unless Dil Raju is that confident, he wouldn't have acquired theatrical rights for two areas of Telugu states.
Buzz says Dil Raju acquired the film's rights for Rs.5 crores while Ceded's rights have been valued to Rs.1.30 crores. Altogether, the film has done Rs.6.30 crores pre release business in Telugu states.
Young Tiger NTR will be gracing the pre release event as a chief guest. Nivetha Thomas and Shalini Pandey have done heroines. KV Guhan directed the film while Shekar Chandra composed tune.