Karthikeya created a powerful impact with his intense acting and macho looks in his debut film RX100 directed by Ajay Bhupati. He is currently starring in Hippy under the direction of TN Krsihna and also starring in Boyapatri Srinu's protégé Arjun Jandhyala's debut directorial venture.
Inside talk is RX Sensation is set to lock horns with Natural Star Nani. It is known that Vikram Kumar is teaming up with Natural Star Nani. The director is looking for a handsome villain and contacted Karthikeya for the same.
Karthikeya at once gave green signal without any second thoughts as he is getting opportunity to share screen presence with Nani. Many feel if Kathikeya shows his power as a villain, there won't be any stopping for him.
Karthikeya must be appreciated for playing a negative role, when he is flooded with offers as protagonist after the humongous success of RX 100.