Amid bundles of aspirations among Akkineni fans Akhil's Mr Majnu hit screens on last Friday and received average reports. But then, the film recorded gradual dip in collections in spite of availing Republic day and weekend's advantage. Moreover, the film's third days numbers are lesser than 16th day collection numbers of F2 Fun and Frustration in many B and C centres indicating the fate of Mr Majnu at the box office.
Mr Majnu was sold out for Rs.22 crores world wide. In return, the film minted Rs.7+ crores world wide collections for two days. At this pace, the film may fall short of break even unless it gets picked up in week days which start from today.
Akhil's previous two offings Akhil and Hello too turned flops at the box office. Altogether, Akhil needs to wait for a solid hit for more time. Hopefully, his 4th venture would give him munch needed blockbuster and would keep him as another star from Akkineni family.
Mr Majnu was directed by Venky Atluri under SVCC banner. Nidhi Agerwal has romanced Akhil while Thaman composed tunes.