Mega Power Star Ram Charan's Vinaya Vidheya Rama directed by Boyapati Srinu is drawing flak from all quarters. Illogical scenes and intense violence made family viewers stay away from the film and even Mega fans too couldn't digest the excess violence and shocking gravity defying stunts.
This made many question the judgment capabilities of Mega Star Chiranjeevi as he always takes the final call right from the signing the project, story content and even the final output.
But inside talk is Boyapati avoided showing Vinaya Vidheya Rama to Chiranjeevi or Ram Charan despite repeated requests by coming out various excuses on one or the other pretext.
An insider revealed, “Ram Charan wanted to show the film to his father before its release, but Boyapati avoided it completely. Whenever they asked, he made all kinds of excuses. If Chiranjeevi had seen the film before, he would have definitely asked the director to reduce the violence, but somehow it didn’t happen.”