Prior to the release of Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna's NTR Kathanayakudu, Mega Brother Nagababu released a series of videos and posted a series of comments against Balakrishna. All of those posts were the retorts of Balakrishna's derogatory remarks about mega heroes in the past.
And now, some observers felt if there was any impact of Nagababu on Sankranthi films such as NTR Kathanayakudu and F2 Fun and Frustration.
"Through his series of comments, Nagababu made mega fans united and let them understood how Balakrishna had tried to degrade mega heroes with his comments before. Eventually, mega fans might have kept away from NTR Kathanayakudu to watch it and have made F2 a hit," opined an observer.
"No, this view is absolutely trash. A movie's success merely depends upon its content, execution and performances. All other factors can be ignored," condemns another observer.