Natasmiha Balakrishna's prestigious biopic on his dad NTR, the first part Kathanayakudu hit the screens yesterday. Everyone lauded Balakrishna's hardwork and efforts to pay floral tributes to his dad. But many felt that NTR Kathanayakudu dearly missed Young Tiger NTR.
Those who watched Kathanayakudu felt that Balakrishna didnot suit in the role of young NTR. His age became the minus point and none of the scenes featuring Balakrishna as young NTR didnot connect emotionally with the movie lovers despite the makers efforts to show Balakrishna as much young as possible.
People felt, had young tiger NTR who has striking resemblances of his grand father NTR been cast in those scenes, the impact would have been even more powerful. Seems Balakrishna missed the trick going by ego clashes.