Super Star Rajinikanth enjoys immense craze across the country. He is getting ready to entertain on Sankranti with his upcoming film Peta (Petta in Tamil) which is releasing on Jan 10. But much to the surprise, Rajini's Peta is in a dismal situation in two Telugu states Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. This is shocking everyone as there were days when top Tollywood stars used to experience scares at the thought of Rajini's film release. They used to postpone their films accordingly.
But right after 2.0 which barely managed to scrap through at the box office, Peta is unable to find theaters as the release date is fast approaching. Ashok Vallabhaneni who acquired the distribution rights could only complete 50% of the business and in rest of the areas; he is forced to release the film on his own. He is confident of scoring a hit and says Rajini will be seen in a role similar to Narasimha in Peta.
Since theatre owners and top distributors are releasing Vinaya Vidheya Rama, NTR Kathanayakudu and F2, they have already got more number of theatres. This is worrying Peta producers, who feel that they are releasing the film in such a situation, where even if the film is good, theatre owners will crush them under their feet.