Mega Power Star Ram Charan's Vinaya Vidheya Rama theatrical trailer was launched by Megastar Chiranjeevi and TRS working president KTR jointly during the pre release event of the film held on Thursday, 27th of December at Yousuf Guda Police Grounds, Hyderabad.
Literally, every frame of the trailer appears to be a mass blast and gives goosebumps to the fans. The trailer is shown with family bonding and some visuals of a family song. And then, the scenes run between the challenges and powerful dialogues of Ram Charan and Vivek Oberoi's villainy.
Well, it's the terrific show of Ram Charan all the way. Especially, his ferocious looks and high octane adrenaline pumping powerful dialogues are virtuoso. Tattoos on his muscular body are formidable for action sequences.
Rich production values of DVV Danayya are witnessed in every nook and corner. Devi Sri Prasad's BGM is appealing. DOP by Rishi Punjabi and Arthur A Wilson is monumental. Especially, their cinematography at Azerbaijan locations stick out.
Following are some of the most powerful dialogues vocalized by Ram Charan.
* Saraina simham thagalanantha varakoo, prathi vetagaadoo, magaderaa.
* Naaku neela sainyam ledhu. Ontlo beruku ledu. Chaavante assalu bhayam ledu. by birth ye death ni gelichochcharaa.
* Okka naa kodukki timing vunte training ledu. Training vunte, timing ledu. Sarigga puttinodoo, saraina magaadoo okkadu kooda thagalledu. Antha jump.