Naa Peru Surya Naa Illu India was released more than seven months ago. Still, its hero Allu Arjun didn’t make any official announcement about his next. Many say that, the stylish star has become extra cautious after the Vakkantham Vamsi directed film ended as an epic disaster.
Allu Arjun was supposed to join hands with Trivikram Srinivas for a film. But, there is no update about the project for long. Now, reports state that, Bunny has committed to work with director Parasuram who is continuing his association with Geetha Arts for ages with an aspiration to direct Bunny in a film.
Finally, when Parasuram got a call after the director delivered blockbuster with Geetha Govindam, he is said to have narrated an entertaining script which has pleased the actor to the fullest. Although Bunny allegedly gave nod for the project, it is unclear when actually this will go on floors.
However, it is reliably learnt that, Vijay Devarakonda is the reason behind Bunny stalling his film with Trivikram and advancing film with Parasuram. It is known that, Trivikram proposed to remake Hindi sleeper hit Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety with a young hero playing second lead. Vijay was offered this second lead.
Vijay initially liked the proposal, but he went back as the script was prepared in a way that, his role became worthless. Trivikram is now forced to come up with a different script. So, Bunny lined up Parasuram’s project in the meantime.
In fact, Vijay Devarakonda doesn’t want to take any risks at this point of time, when his career is in full swing with hits and offers from top production houses.