Young Tiger Ntr delivered an exciting speech at the audio launch venue of Ntr film. He felt Ntr film as a Charitra (history). "Charitraki vijayalu, apajayalu vundav. Kevalam charitra maatrame vuntundi. (History has no hits and flops. It just creates histor)," Ntr said amidst huge cheers from fans.
Ntr also said, late Ntr had been a known personality for every family of Telugu states.
"Once upon a time, there was no recognition to Telugu among North Indian people. But then, some great souls made us recognised and Ntr was one among them.
Meanwhile, Balakrishna, Ntr and Kalyan Ram's union on the stage chilled every Nandamuri fan. Balayya's affectionate gesture towards Ntr and NKR amused fans to the core.