Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna was in euphoria at the audio launch event of his upcoming film NTR. He said he had done Gauthamiputra Satakarni as a token of respect towards his mother Basaravaramatarakam and NTR film as a mark to showcase his respect towards his father NTR. Following are some more excerpts of his speech at NTR audio launch.
* We actually wished to organize the event at my father's birth place Nimmakuru. However, due to bad weather conditions, we had to get the venue shifted to Hyderabad.
* We worked for just 89 days two wrap up both parts of NTR.
* We researched the biopics like Gandhi and Mahanati to shoot NTR biopic.
* I get inspired by three lettered words 'Telugu' and 'NTR'.
* I thought of becoming a producer during Rowday Inspector times. But then, I got my wish fulfilled with NTR. Perhaps, it could be called a destiny.
* Emotion was born only after NTR's birth.
* My brother Harikrishna garu was a great personality, He won from HIndupur constituency with a majority of 60.000 votes. he worked as a transport minister and provided jobs for women as lady conductors.
* If Rana removes beard, he appears like Chandrababu Naidu.