Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna invited innumerable celebs from cine industry for his NTR audio release function held at JRC Convention on Friday. Though some celebs were subtle at their speeches, some more celebs have gone overboard in their speeches.
Paruchuri Gopalakrishna revealed that Balayya had played 63 get ups portrayed by his late father in his films. "Central government should see these 63 get ups of Balayya and should announce Bharat Ratna award to NTR," Paruchuri demanded. He added that three alphabet NTR stand as three Gods within NTR.
Kalyan Ram praised every technician as if he were protagonist. As a result, his speech turned a bit lengthy.
Brahmanandam impressed the audience vocalizing SVR and NTR's dialogues. However, some of his satires appeared to have made both audience and Balakrishna irritated.